
Swa-Kustom LLC, a registered company in the USA, is the proud owner of The Rural Art and theruralart.com. This document serves as an extensive disclaimer concerning the use, duplication, and distribution of images and designs hosted on our website. Our primary aim is to protect our intellectual property and ensure that our creations are not misused or misappropriated in any form. This disclaimer details the rights we reserve over our content and the legal implications of any unauthorized use.

*Ownership and Rights*

From 2019 to 2024, Swa-Kustom LLC has meticulously curated and developed a wide array of images and designs, all hosted on theruralart.com. These creations are not merely visual assets; they represent the creativity, effort, and intellectual investment of our talented team. As the rightful owner, Swa-Kustom LLC holds all copyrights to these images and designs. This ownership grants us exclusive rights to use, distribute, and modify these materials as we see fit.

*Prohibition of Unauthorized Use*

We strictly prohibit any unauthorized use, duplication, or distribution of our images and designs. Unauthorized use includes, but is not limited to, copying, reproducing, reprinting, or republishing our content in any form, whether it be digital, print, or any other medium. Our designs are distinctive and unique, embodying the essence of The Rural Art's brand. Any attempt to replicate or mimic our designs will be deemed a violation of our rights.

*Criteria for Infringement*

We emphasize that any design that resembles 80% or more of our original works will be considered an infringement. This threshold is set to ensure that our unique artistic expressions are protected from even the slightest degree of imitation. Infringement is not limited to exact copies; it also includes any derivative works or adaptations that capture the essence and distinctive elements of our original designs. This stringent criterion helps safeguard the integrity of our brand and ensures that our creative efforts are not diluted by unauthorized replicas.

*Legal Implications and Enforcement*

Violating our copyright policies carries significant legal consequences. Swa-Kustom LLC is prepared to pursue legal action against any individual or entity that infringes upon our intellectual property rights. Legal measures may include, but are not limited to, filing lawsuits, seeking injunctions to prevent further use, and claiming monetary damages for any unauthorized use of our content. We are committed to enforcing our rights rigorously to protect our creative assets.

*Moral Rights and Ethical Considerations*

Beyond the legal framework, there is an ethical dimension to respecting intellectual property. The images and designs on theruralart.com represent the hard work and creative vision of our team. By respecting our rights, you honor the effort and dedication that goes into producing high-quality artistic works. Ethical use of our content fosters a respectful and collaborative creative community, where artists and creators can thrive without the fear of their work being misused or stolen.

*Permissible Uses and Licensing*

We understand that there may be legitimate interest in using our images and designs for various purposes. For those who wish to use our content, we offer licensing options. Licensing agreements grant permission to use our designs under specific terms and conditions. These agreements are tailored to balance the interests of both parties, ensuring that our rights are protected while allowing others to benefit from our creative works. Interested parties should contact us at info@theruralart.com to discuss licensing opportunities.

*Contact Information and Support*

For any inquiries regarding the use of our images and designs, or to report potential infringements, please contact us at info@theruralart.com. We are available to provide support and clarification on our copyright policies. Our team is dedicated to addressing any concerns promptly and ensuring that our intellectual property is respected.

*Educational and Fair Use*

While we uphold strict copyright protection, we also recognize the principles of educational and fair use. Educators, researchers, and students may use our images and designs for educational purposes, provided that such use is non-commercial, properly credited, and does not undermine the market value of our works. We encourage those in educational fields to reach out to us if there are any questions about permissible use under fair use guidelines.


Swa-Kustom LLC remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting the images and designs that define The Rural Art brand. This extensive disclaimer underscores our dedication to safeguarding our intellectual property and ensuring that our creative works are not misused or misappropriated. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in respecting our rights and fostering a respectful, ethical creative community.

By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to a culture of respect for intellectual property, where artists and creators can continue to innovate and share their work with confidence. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and for supporting The Rural Art.

*Final Note*

This document is a comprehensive outline of our copyright and design disclaimer, detailing the scope of our rights and the measures we take to protect our intellectual property. It serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting the creative efforts of others and the legal frameworks in place to uphold these rights. We value your compliance and are here to assist with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the use of our images and designs.